Gatton School is committed in ensuring that all pupils make excellent progress in Humanities (History and Geography), through experiencing high quality teaching and a curriculum which is engaging and motivating. Where possible, cross-curricular links are made to help children build their knowledge and skills in order to make connections and more sense of the things they have learnt as they apply their learning over time. We believe that humanities play a crucial role in helping children to:
• explore the purpose & meaning of their lives in this world that they will need to use and engage in.
• understand the world that they live in.
• learn to cherish and appreciate the diverse world around them.
• make choices that sustain our world and make a positive difference.
• learn invaluable life-skills such as observation, analysis and evaluation.
Our aim is to provide children with a humanities curriculum that inspires them to become confident, creative and enthusiastic learners. We want to engage children in real life experiences both inside and outside of school through carefully planned educational visits, workshops, experiments and exploration to enhance their learning. We aim children to leave with a good understanding of the world around them, the people within it and why it has become like that.
Humanities are taught in two distinct subjects of Geography and History. The students have one lesson of humanities over the course of a week and alternate between each subject across each half term. They are assessed at the beginning and at the end of the topic to identify the knowledge and skills that they have retained over time.
We follow the 'Plan Bee' Scheme for both History and Geography.
Curriculum Maps
Retrieval in Lessons
Learning is defined as an alteration in long-term memory. If nothing has been altered in long-term memory, nothing has been learned.
Useful Links
Key Stage 2
Learn about local history