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Gatton Primary School


Welcome to Gatton Primary School. We pride ourselves on being a friendly and open school that offers a high quality education for all our children. We hope that your visit to this website offers a snapshot of what we have to offer, and encourage prospective families to arrange a visit.

Parents in Partnership

All parents at Gatton School are part of the ‘Parents in Partnership’ Scheme. We believe that our parent community are a valuable part of our success and as such we continue to work hard to strengthen the partnership. As well as being available to support parents when they need the School’s support, we value what parents can offer us.

The ‘Parents in Partnership’ involves parents volunteering or joining in with community learning to help and support Gatton School:

We have several projects running at the moment and we welcome parents to work with us in the area they may be interested in.

If parents have a skill or a talent that they would like to share with the school community and it is part of our school improvement plan, we would like you to contact the school office for an appointment to see a member of the senior management team.