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Gatton Primary School


Welcome to Gatton Primary School. We pride ourselves on being a friendly and open school that offers a high quality education for all our children. We hope that your visit to this website offers a snapshot of what we have to offer, and encourage prospective families to arrange a visit.

School Council

Pupil Voice Matters

Pupil voice is highly regarded within the school. One of the ways pupils can express their ideas is via the School Council. The School Council meet weekly to share and discuss views.

Each class across the age ranges, starting from Year 1 through to Year 6, have two main representatives that have been elected by their peers. Year 6 also have ‘Head Pupils’ who join our strong team each term, to allow more children the opportunity to be involved. The children are enthusiastic members and are keen to fulfil their role as a Councillor.

What do the children think about School Council?

Here are just some of the items School Councillors have looked into over the past few years:

To find out what the School Counsellors have been up to please visit the CHES blog: Gatton Primary School - CHES