School Leave Request
Leave of absence during term time will be strongly discouraged. Parents will be reminded of the effect that absence can have on a pupil’s potential achievement. The school will consider any application for leave of absence and will only agree to authorise absences in exceptional circumstances; the Headteacher will determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if the leave is granted. Parents must apply in writing in advance, stating the circumstances for the request leave. If leave is granted, evidence such as flight tickets which state the departure and return date must be provided.
Click here to access your form: School Leave Request
Please note in order to authorise your leave we will need the following documents: booking information, flight details and proof of emergency. We would appreciate it if you can e-mail your documents to us within three days.
Please understand that failing to provide documents will result in unauthorised absence.
In the case of unauthorised leave Wandsworth Education Welfare service will be notified of the dates of absence and procedures as specified in the Attendance Policy (can be found on school website) will be followed. A penalty notice may be issued. This is issued to each parent for every child/children taken out of this school. A penalty notice is a fine of £60 which increases to £120 if not paid within the first 28 days. If the penalty remains unpaid this may result in legal action.