Head's Message
Assalamu alaikum and Hello
Welcome to Gatton Primary School. The first purpose built Muslim Voluntary Aided Primary School in the Country. Gatton School is based in Tooting, London Borough of Wandsworth.
The modern accommodation boasts comfortable, well-equipped classrooms, a swimming pool and large sports hall. We also house our Year 2 year over at our second site, which is based in Balham .
Gatton is an inclusive school community. Our pupils come from diverse cultures and backgrounds, with over 25 languages spoken by our families.
At Gatton all stake holders (staff, parents, pupils and governors) work collaboratively to ensure all our pupils thrive. We are dedicated to helping them secure the very best outcomes.
The school has developed a creative curriculum designed to educate, engage and enthral pupils. The school curriculum consists of the English National Curriculum, Religious Studies and MFL Arabic. In addition, there are a wide range of enrichment activities on offer during the school day and through our extended provision (e.g. workshops, clubs, visits, visitors and special themed days / weeks).
We have close links with local schools and organisations, for example
Collaborative working with the Al Risalah Trust family of schools
- Orchard Primary School (Voluntary-aided school based in Lambeth)
- Al Risalah Secondary Girls and Boys School, (Independent school based in Wandsworth)
- Al Risalah Nursery (independent nursery based in Wandsworth)
Diverse range of partnerships in the community, for example
- Collaborative working with local primary schools (e.g. assessment moderation and curriculum development)
- Joint working with specialist agencies and services to meet needs of our pupils (e.g. Educational Psychology Service, Speech and Language Service, Social Care and the Education Welfare Service)
- Charity and fundraising initiatives with partners such as the Balham and Tooting Community Association (BATCA)
Our school website provides a range of useful information about the school, for example key policies, curriculum maps, reports on outcomes for pupils and copies of the monthly parent newsletters which include information about the excellent quality of provision.
Gatton offers a welcoming atmosphere and fantastic teamwork and these features are evident in all aspects of school life. We hope you enjoy exploring this website and finding out more about our school.
Mr Majid Ishaque